PMOD Cardiac PET Analysis Tool (PCARDP)

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PMOD Cardiac PET Analysis Tool (PCARDP)

The PCARDP tool represents a flexible environment for the quantification and analysis of myocardial PET studies. Particularly, the following analysis scenarios are supported:

Processing of  dynamic PET studies of the heart with a broad range of tracers. Depending on the tracer, the results represent myocardial blood flow (MBF) or a metabolic turnover such as the metabolic rate of glucose (MRGlu).

Processing of static PET studies. The results consist in polar uptake map and a corresponding numeric table.

Processing of gated PET studies to assess left ventriculat (LV) function. The results represent various functional metrics like LV volume/time curve, ED (end-diastolic) volume, ES (end-systolic) volume, SV (stroke volume), EF (ejection fraction) as well as segmental uptake.

Parallel processing of paired stress and rest studies for a side-by-side comparison is supported for all the above scenarios.

The database Load page is enabled in the main configuration


and will appear in every capture while the module functionality is explained.

Additionally, the PMOD application bar is set to appear on the Right side of the screen:
