Image Zooming

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Image Zooming

Sometimes it will be helpful to zoom the shown images, for instance during VOI outlining. Image zooming can be operated in different ways

Scrollbar Zooming

Often images ports have a scrollbar area around them. Then the zoom buttons can be used for zooming/shrinking, or a zooming factor can directly be entered. picture_4413 resets zooming. If the scrollbar is not visible, it can be shown by the indicated button to the image right.

Scrollbar Zooming

If there is no such button, the image context menu (click right mouse button in image area) can be used instead.

Zoom in Context Menu

The visible part of the image can be adjusted using the scrollbars around the image which appear as soon as the full image is not visible any more.

Mouse-driven Zooming

There is also a mode for mouse-driving zooming which can be entered by the picture_604 button from the image border or the context menu.

When the cursor is moved over the image, it changes its shape:

1.In left and right border area (zooming area) it has a crs-zoom shape. To zoom in/out click the left mouse button and drag up/down.

2.In the central area (panning area) it has a picture_742 shape. To adjust the visible part of the image click the left mouse button into the center of the image and drag the image around


After appropriate zooming, the zoom mode should be quit by pressing picture_2158 once more, because some of other mouse-operated functions might not work.

Zooming with Mouse-Wheel

Similar to the zooming mode in other programs PMOD supports zooming with the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key. Note that in the orthogonal mode the triangulation point will be kept within the visible area.